“STING” на казахском языке


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имя существительное

prick wound injury puncture


prick wound bite poison

примеры использования

He cut himself with the knife and smeared his own blood over the wound in Liang’s leg and Liang squealed at the sting of it.

Only then had the sting of the king’s sword returned, never to leave again.

Something during the march today, the climate, the growing altitude, a fall, the hot sun, a sting from a reptile, a bite of an insect, a scratch of a poisonous thorn, whatever it was, must, so it appeared to Curtin, be responsible for Dobbs’s strange behavior.

She felt its sting but the dragon understood her mind and, dulled or wild, dragons always enjoyed playing a little with their food before they ate.

Stitches are going to sting without my empathy.

He’d felt this before—the sting of rapid aging.

That sting in the air which made breathing so hard and unpleasant and choked your throat constantly meant that people were making money—much money.

Sting, baby, sting.

And then there was the real genuine pest, a little yellowish-reddish scorpion the sting of which kills you within fifteen hours.

A sharp sting pierced her lower back.

The urge to strike and smash and let them see what happened when they tried to sting washed over her, but in Dhar Thosis she’d fought the sea lord’s glasships a handful at a time.