“EARTH” на польском языке


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имя существительное
earth ground land world country district
ground earth
ground land soil earth basis base
kula ziemska
globe earth world
nora zwierzęcia
ground earth
mulch earth mound bound
pit earth


имя существительное

world globe planet

примеры использования

The Black Moon, chasing the sun across the sky, a little closer with every dawn until the Splintering had come and ripped the world apart and the Black Moon had shattered and its pieces had fallen across the earth .

A thin line bisected it, slicing through a tree as cleanly as a razor-sharp blade, cutting through the earth a finger-width wide trench.

A few solo warriors ignored them as they trudged past, covered in blood, all heading east; a few packs battled each other; and many more bodies lay on the cold earth.

It was a primitive trail worn into the greenery and it exposed rough patches of earth as it curved up steadily toward the entrance.

After that, the ground became rugged, not just scattered bits of rock but boulders jutting out of the earth and patches of raw stone that they had to scamper across, leaning against the slope so they didn’t slide hundreds of paces back down.

The earth soaked up what water freed itself.

These are the proper paintings and statues for churches in a country in which the most powerful church on earth wanted to demonstrate how deep in subjection all human beings can be kept for centuries if there exists no other aim but the enlargement of the splendor and the riches of the rulers.

“Besides,” Moulton continued, “sometimes it’s a good thing not to have a gun on your hip, or this poor devil would no longer be alive and we might find ourselves in a hell of a mess, for no one on earth would believe we acted in self-defense.

On a clear fine day like this there was still a dark stain across the earth where the city of Furymouth had been.

The air seemed to press on his wings, as if it would cast them down to the earth.

Wasn’t there anything else on earth?