“AFTERGLOW” на русском языке


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имя существительное
sunset set decline sundown fall afterglow
вечерняя заря
sunset retreat afterglow afterlight
приятное чувство
приятное воспоминание

примеры использования

The afterglow of a live performance does not last long, and he intends to savor every moment.

A few minutes brought us to the top of the narrow ridge, and from here the afterglow of the sunset was so glorious that a photograph was secured to serve as a reminiscence in after-years, when rheumatic limbs forbid such experiences.

But there are times and places when a natural landscape, without any artificial illumination, looks just as rich and moody in the afterglow of sunset.

The sunset was good but the afterglow was even better.

It's funny how a chance encounter, a few words of enthusiasm, and the afterglow of a successful trip can give rise to unrestrained optimism.