“ASSUMING” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя прилагательное
presumptuous arrogant overweening confident assuming presuming
haughty arrogant proud supercilious cavalier assuming
arrogant toplofty airy chesty assuming proud-spirited
arrogant haughty contemptuous lofty supercilious assuming


имя прилагательное

assumptive presumptuous


presume suppose take it (as given) take for granted take as read conjecture surmise conclude deduce infer reckon reason think fancy believe understand gather figure

примеры использования

” She’d barely been able to speak to Cassian for the rest of their lesson, unable to stop thinking of how he’d put up a wall without her so much as saying a word, anticipating that she would go after him, assuming that she was so awful she couldn’t have a normal conversation.

I’m assuming she’s still asleep.

Since you’re sitting here, in one piece, I’m assuming he doesn’t know about our involvement in your rescue.

Besides, assuming he was the spellcaster that had portaled into the wilderness, they’d seen evidence of what he was capable of on the other side of the Spine.

”“I’m assuming she said no.

Emerie—I’m assuming that’s who you met, since she’s the only female shop owner—was one who slipped through the cracks.

You don’t have the leverage to negotiate your father’s release, assuming you could figure out who to negotiate with.

It would then take them another six to get to Albuquerque, assuming they could do what he had in mind before sunset.

That is assuming this land bridge exists at all, and there is not clear ocean between the Sotherwinter and Sorksia.

”“I’ll fill up your gas tank when we get to Flagstaff, assuming you win, which I highly doubt.