“AWFUL” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя прилагательное
terrible horrible awful appalling dreadful dire
внушающий страх
awful terrible
внушающий благоговение
awful awe-inspiring
вызывающий страх
внушающий глубокое уважение
majestic magnificent stately grand sublime awful
very very much extremely so highly awful


имя прилагательное

disgusting horrible terrible dreadful ghastly nasty vile foul revolting repulsive repugnant odious sickening nauseating yucky gross beastly


terribly frightfully awfully

примеры использования

I’m just saying it’s an awful situation those children are in,” claimed Alsayer.

The wind was from the west, so there was no chance the awful creatures would have caught his scent, or that of any other pursuer.

Even after scrubbing himself with the pungent soap at the ranger station and letting the village barber lather his neck and scalp, Rew still had the awful scent of roasted Dark Kind stuck in his nostrils.

There are so many terrible powers here, and the wards on the mountain itself … I wonder if someone hid the Harp knowing that it’d never be noticed with so much awful magic around it.

Rew was leading them up when he began to get whiffs of an awful smell.

She’d seen something, been attacked by something so awful she’d wet herself, and now she was gone, under this water—“NESTA!

He would always run from that awful truth.

He clearly felt awful about how he’d acted.

Shuddering, he said, “This is awful.

She had been born alone, and would die alone, and this awful male would be the one to kill her—Thunder cracked, and the entire mountain shook with its impact.

If the narjags were all doing as the tracks indicated, heading directly for the river and then following its bank, then their current location was an awful place to make camp.