“BEER” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
beer ale malt suds
ход основы
pace of the warp beer


имя существительное

ale brew brewski suds pint

примеры использования

’‘Drink your beer and don’t think about it,’ Dan advises.

Dan is aware that the beer is changing his shape; he’s not a beautiful man any more, not like Mik was.

At their clothing, their jewelry, and the cases of beer and bottles of alcohol they carried in each hand.

He made his way to the free bar, a creation of chrome and spotlights close to the glass wall, and ordered a beer.

Gwen took a sip of her beer.

” She shook her head as she polished beer stains away.

She also noticed the faint beer stain on the front of Judy’s blouse.

The ranger nodded, and the miner picked up the tankard and went to dunk it into the open beer barrel.

” Chad offered him half a beer with a gesture stiff as the words.

Joy sipped a Coke and Dylan rehydrated with a beer.

He sipped the warm beer and wondered if he needed to tell the younglings that.