“CIRCLET” на русском языке


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имя существительное
circle coterie circlet section roundel balloon
bracelet band wristband bangle armlet circlet
ring annulus circle collar race circlet

примеры использования

The moon filled a circlet with thought and transformation and seduction, but, fickle lord of night as he was, he couldn’t bring himself to bestow his favour on just one and so split it in two and set them loose on the world together.

The circlet tightened a little more.

How long before someone had enough of her and made the circlet on her head constrict and crush her skull.

He slapped the sagging flesh of Baros Tsen with a short whip then put on a gold-glass circlet.

Maybe he had an enchanter to take the doll-woman’s circlet off her head.

’ She tapped the gold-glass circlet around her head.

Then a place of shimmering rainbows and a woman, achingly beautiful, with a golden circlet on her brow.

She’d feel that circlet there for ever, long after it was gone, if it ever was.

She clutched at the circlet around her head.

He kept staring up at the sky, and so she let him sit and unstrapped herself and lay across his shoulders, dreaming dreams of what she’d do to the doll-woman if the circlet around her head were to suddenly fall away, wondering how to fill the long hours of the afternoon.

Yes, she’d tear the doll-woman out of the sky, and then the circlet would kill her and Diamond Eye would shatter them all and burn them, everything, all of it, as much as he could before they brought him down.