“COITUS” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
coitus coupling
coitus coition coupling fuck


имя существительное

sexual relation intercourse carnal knowledge copulation sex act coition relation congress sexual intercourse

примеры использования

In recent decades at least, virginity loss has by and large been defined with reference to physiological rather than to moral criteria, and has been specifically equated with first coitus .

The male students who had coitus , who had smoked, who had used alcohol, and who had a steady date reported greater numbers of their friends who might have visited prostitutes than the others.

Only 6.4% of the coitally experienced male adolescents reported that they had ever used a condom for coitus .

When interpreting the available data he speculates that many people in the U.S. engage in extramarital coitus despite their belief that this behavior is not morally acceptable.

Although having first coitus in a noncommitted relationship or at a young age had a negative effect on how both males and females were evaluated, the negative effect was greater for females.