“CONFESSION” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
confession recognition acknowledgment admission acceptance avowal
confession shrift
faith denomination confession profession church cult


имя существительное

admission acknowledgment profession revelation disclosure divulgence avowal guilty plea

примеры использования

Shonda would come with all these requests, and she would refuse them, throw Mai’Choiro’s confession in his face and wonder as she did why he even bothered to ask.

Their confession was in the air burning his ears.

The most telling passage of all lay in a few buried words from Baros Tsen T’Varr’s own confession.

Her confession is a waterfall of relief, washing away a burden she’s carried for more than half a lifetime.

Just like Amelie’s confession seemed to eternally go around in Sam’s head.

Was that confession just before a big pile of bullshit?

”“Yes, a confession.

If Tsen’s confession was true then Quai’Shu had found something to unbalance the five-hundred-year peace that the Elemental Men had brought with them when they emerged from the Konsidar.

” Joy whispered the confession.

“Guess I’ll start with the confession.

“I have a confession and an apology,” he begins, then pauses.