“DAYS” на русском языке


другие переводы

by day in the afternoon days in the daytime
имя существительное
epoch era age period time days


имя существительное


примеры использования

It was the same spade which Dobbs, only a few days ago, had taken from the same saddle one morning and thrown across his shoulder when he went into the thicket to bury Curtin.

They detonated nukes from the old days.

There are more days coming, as long as there is a sun in the heavens.

It’s thinking that it hasn’t seen its rider for far too many days.

When they were seen only a few days ago, they still had all the burros with them—the same burros you bought from them four months ago.

He’d learned the hard way to go days without eating if he had to.

The climb took five days.

“How many days to Mordenhold, do you think?

This shop keeps me busy enough that some days I forget I could ever fly in the first place.

CHAPTER24Five days later, Cassian sat before the desk of the library’s high priestess and watched her enchanted pen move.

“He died after defending this spot for three days.