“EXPENSES” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
costs expenses cost spending expense charges
costs cost outgoings expenses expense outlay


имя существительное

cost price charge outlay fee tariff levy payment damage


write off write down

примеры использования

The companies allowed fair wages and decent working-hours for all, but the sooner Pat could finish the job, the more was left over to go into his pockets, for he had no other expenses than the wages he paid out.

He’d even pay her expenses in entirety.

I’m all set to shoulder pick-ax and shovel again any time you say—any time somebody is willing to share the expenses.

I decide once I get there to hire a car rather than take a taxi using the expenses card Max had couriered up for me.

All parliamentarians were required to sign in and out of Sunderdown Palace, to prevent fraudulent claiming of expenses.

” Howard had made a list of the most essential provisions and tools needed, and he saw that even these modest expenses could not well be met with the money they had.