“FINICKY” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя прилагательное
mincing affected finicky finical genteel finicking
legible picky choosy discriminating fastidious finicky
мелочно требовательный
finical finicking finicky
перегруженный деталями
overwrought finicky finicking finical
чересчур отшлифованный
finical finicking finicky
finical affected melodramatic forced finicking finicky


имя прилагательное

fussy fastidious punctilious overparticular difficult exacting demanding picky choosy persnickety nice

примеры использования

She was prim, proper, and she was terribly finicky .

Not Don - he's really finicky , nitpicking a lot, going, ‘Oh, could we try that again,’ or ‘Could we change this detail?’

I'll just take the rest of that for my finicky friend here and relieve you of the burden of eating it.

It's just one of those things that I'm real finicky about.

I've always known that cat owners are somewhat fanatical when it comes to their pets, but the sheer number of sites devoted to this finicky member of the animal kingdom probably outnumbers the amount of cats in this country.