“FORCES” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
troops forces troop force military array
вооруженные силы
armed forces forces force military establishment armament


имя существительное

strength power energy might effort exertion impact pressure weight impetus


compel coerce make constrain oblige impel drive pressurize pressure press push press-gang bully dragoon bludgeon put the screws on lean on twist someone's arm

примеры использования

That they had combined their forces and brains and resources for no other reason than to make high profits was the factor which had prevented them from becoming true friends.

Even though they existed in completely opposite vectors, it was always those two major forces that were vying to change the state of this world.

”“Because my father has already pledged his forces to Briallyn and the war she wishes to incite.

The Investiture was the reason the nobles collected their pawns, the event they amassed their forces for.

I study the forces, as any scholar does, but it does not mean I like what those forces can do.

And what Eris revealed about Beron was true, too: the High Lord visited Briallyn on the continent, pledging his forces to her cause.

Perhaps we should have spent a little more time studying the maps and figured a way around Worgon’s forces on the way to Spinesend.

She was here with the special forces.

Someday, the story was, the king would gather forces and march through each far-off corner of his kingdom and eliminate the threat once and for all, but that had been the story for two hundred years and through eight generations of Mordens.

She didn’t understand what forces were at play, how deep the machinations of the princes went.

The bulk of the town’s forces being diverted away, the thieves slipping in, and an attack by an army of Dark Kind?