“MATRYOSHKA” на русском языке


примеры использования

Perhaps the best-known lacquered Russian folk art piece is the matryoshka , a series of wooden dolls that nest inside each other.

The space doll - a matryoshka , or traditional Russian nesting doll - is actually a close-to-lifesize head and torso made of soft material to simulate human tissue, with embedded sensors to measure radiation exposure.

In form it's a colorful matryoshka doll - a story-within-a-story-within-a-story.

As a whole it resembles the Russian matryoshka doll - layers of complexity which render easy solutions such as plebiscite or partition impracticable and call for a more sophisticated approach.

The system works like Russian matryoshka dolls , shells within shells within shells, which in the end can be impenetrable to legal process.