“OWING” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя прилагательное
obliged liable bound due indebted owing
due proper owing just indebted
due owing
оставшийся неуплаченным
имя существительное
сумма долга
indebtedness owing


имя прилагательное

unpaid to be paid payable due past due overdue undischarged owed outstanding in arrears delinquent


be in debt to be indebted to be in arrears to be under an obligation to

примеры использования

Dobbs, perhaps owing to an early head injury, had the habit of moving the skin of his forehead upward and so wrinkling it when speaking.

This guard had become necessary owing to the increase in the number of bandits roaming the country.

I thought at first that the joints had rusted closed owing to water seeping into the ground.

Who would care about three or four hundred thousand barrels of oil running away every week and being lost owing to busted pipe lines, to filling tanks carelessly, or to not notifying the pumpman that while he has been pumping for days, sections of the pipe lines have been taken out, to be replaced by new ones.

The inhabitants, hospitable as they are at heart, were afraid of the strangers, owing to the many tales about bandits in the neighborhood.

Further information regarding the selection of the Maceriyan candidate for the post of High Legate, recently vacated owing to the decease of prior office holder Vichereu.

If the Health Department of the federal government goes after them too hard, owing to the fact that lice, like fleas, are transmitters of many diseases, the Indians are liable to rise up in arms against the government; they have often done so for similar reasons.

Most of the trails led naturally into villages, and so it frequently happened that they found themselves unexpectedly at the first houses of a village which they had not been able to see before, owing to the woods, hills, or curves.

He found it alright, but the situation turned ugly owing to certain irregularities.

It was the time when, owing to the American and the French revolutions, the power of Spain on the American continents began to totter, and in consequence of that all sound economic conditions began to break up, for rebirth of political and economic conditions was in sight.

The mestizos wore their huge palm hats pulled rather low on their foreheads, for the wind would blow their hats off when riding on the train, as they prefer to stand on the platform or sit on the steps, partly because they feel uneasy inside the train, partly owing to their fear of train-wrecks.