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Tate’s grave was unmarked, just freshly turned dirt, partially hidden by plugs of turf that they’d sat down atop it.
He pushed on an iron door in the corner of the basement that was partially covered in green rust, and entered a tunnel.
Austere in decoration though it was, to her amazement there was not only a washbasin in the room, but also an unexpected luxury–most of the space was taken up by a deep ceramic bath set partially into the floor.
They’d been watching Cassian first, partially with awe and partially with what she could only assume was envy.
Joy eyed the partially closed door, panicked.
After the war with Hybern, with everything else that was going on, it … You … I should have been there to help you, but I wasn’t, and I am ready to admit that this is partially my fault.
I’m beginning to suspect that these “battlefields” of his are at least partially sustained by his enduring emotional attachments.
The view outside looked as it always did: a peaceful steep-sided valley in the foothills of the Konsidar, its slopes partially terraced with groves of orange trees.
There was not a cloud in the sky, but his view was partially obscured by persistent airborne sand that formed a brown smoke extending a hundred feet into the air.