“PIERCING” на русском языке


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имя прилагательное
piercing shrill shrilly penetrating sharp strident
piercing cutting icy searching
piercing armor-piercing
discerning penetrating shrewd astute perspicacious piercing
cutting sharp abrupt harsh severe piercing
acute sharp keen spicy poignant piercing
имя существительное
piercing perforation
drilling boring piercing
диаметр в свету


имя прилагательное

shrill ear-splitting high-pitched penetrating strident loud


penetrate puncture perforate prick lance stab spike stick impale transfix bore through drill through

примеры использования

The tip of his steel dug into the shaman’s chest, piercing half-a-hand deep.

He saw the ring of spires around the edge of the cloud, caging it, their tips touching it; and, deep inside, the white stone spire of the Godspike itself, piercing it, gleaming in the desert sun, a pillar of light rising through the churning black cloud up into the sky beyond, towards the stars until it vanished into the deep and blinding blue.

Gwyn’s voice rose again, holding such a high note it was like a ray of pure light, piercing and summoning.

Her father had been black, and while she was brown and curly-haired, Tony was a pale Hispanic with dark, piercing eyes.

It circled the Godspike, unexpected and vast, piercing the cloud and piercing the Nothing as well, an impossibility standing proudly before it.

” she asked the bartender, a wiry guy in a Red Hot Chili Peppers shirt with a hoop piercing his lower lip and ink wallpapering both arms.

Fingertips screaming at the splinters piercing the sensitive flesh beneath her nails, she dropped her legs until they hit the branch below.

Just like in the real world, his abdomen had been torn in a cross by the piercing bullet.

He forced himself to look into her piercing eyes.

His lances of fire shoved hard against the shields of light, piercing them and wreathing one of the columns in devilish flames.

Both had piercing blue eyes with white pupils.