“PLACEHOLDER” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
государственный служащий
public servant public official public officer jobholder place-holder
должностное лицо
official officer executive functionary administrator placeman


имя существительное

procurator proxy

примеры использования

The use of zero as a placeholder was probably first developed by the Babylonians, possibly as early as 1500 BCE.

The it in suffice it to say is an impersonal or indefinite pronoun, one that functions as a grammatical placeholder without supplying much real meaning.

It emphasises the use of zero as a placeholder .

Not only does this reduce the risk of someone messing with our SQL, but some database drivers will take advantage of our placeholders in subsequent queries, giving us a speed boost.

Notice how we use DBI's placeholders , shown here as a question mark in the list of VALUES, to avoid potential problems with quoted strings within our SQL query.