“SALBUTAMOL” на русском языке


примеры использования

Moreover, we examined the effectiveness of fluticasone for preventing the development of subsensitivity to bronchodilator effects of salbutamol after regular inhaled salmeterol.

Therefore, we evaluated the effects of the inhalation of lidocaine, salbutamol, lidocaine and salbutamol combined, and placebo on an inhalational histamine challenge.

One recent study in patients with asthma concluded that both salbutamol and ipratropium are effective bronchodilators in patients with asthma, although the overall response to salbutamol appears to be superior in asthma.

The airway response to salbutamol was tested in 56 obstructive asbestos-exposed subjects.

Lung function was measured before and after treatment with salbutamol (known as albuterol in the United States), with the individual responses correlated to the sequence of variations found in discrete regions of a person's DNA.