“WHEREVER” на русском языке


другие переводы

where wherever whereabouts whereupon whereat wheresoever
where wherever whither wheresoever whereabouts whereabout
где бы ни
wherever wheresoever wheresoe'er where'er
куда бы ни
wherever wheresoever where'er wheresoe'er




примеры использования

They’d find him wherever he died.

They kissed hungrily, and his hands roamed wherever they could reach until he suddenly stilled.

“And the second all this is over, I’m gonna take you wherever you wanna go.

—And the second all this is over, I’m gonna take you wherever you wanna go.

Howard, never short of remedies, never saying he was sorry that he could do nothing, ordered hot towels laid upon the skin where it pained, upon the stomach, or the calves, or the soles of their feet, or the neck, or the back—in short, wherever there was room for placing a hot towel.

“Put me down wherever and go back to him!

May you find peace wherever you go, and if we should meet in some other realm, I pray I will be a kinder friend.

Sam couldn’t look Amelie in the face, but wherever he looked he was reminded of her story.

He knew how the big oil-magnates, the big financiers, the presidents of great corporations, and in particular the politicians, stole and robbed wherever there was an opportunity.

—BB… I’m gonna take you wherever you wanna go.

I could kiss them soldiers wherever they would like it, those sons of sunshine.