“WILDERNESS” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
desert wilderness waste sands wilds sahara
дикая местность
запущенная часть сада
mass array weight lot bulk wilderness
multiplicity plurality variety multitude plenty wilderness


имя существительное

wilds wastes bush bush country bushland inhospitable region desert backcountry outback great outdoors boondocks boonies

имя прилагательное

outdoor recreation ecotourism adventure backcountry

примеры использования

“I’ll send two of my rangers to guide you through the wilderness and over the Spine.

There was a bit of rough business out in the wilderness.

“We were wondering why a spellcaster of talent would be coming into the wilderness and not stopping by Eastwatch.

Chainmail isn’t necessary against what we may face in the wilderness.

“I gather the empath has seen more than some backwater wilderness town, despite the fact she’s playing dumb with me, but these others are just children.

After a decade as the eastern territory’s senior ranger, he knew the wilderness like the back of his hand.

So, while I’ve traveled this way several times, this wilderness is too vast to know every stream, ravine, and hillock.

That was the prime reason why the rangers were stationed in Eastwatch, and that was why they left on expeditions into the trackless wilderness.

“It doesn’t get much quieter, or farther away from people, than patrolling the wilderness.

We did just bring his youngest two children through the wilderness safely.

”Rew rubbed his beard, long and tangled after so much time in the wilderness and shook his head.