“RESULTS” на украинском языке


другие переводы

result flow out swim out issue sail out emerge from
мати результатом
имя существительное
breed offspring brood consequence result
finding result
succession consequence issue result
result total output resume tally pouch
result outcome output effect consequence product


имя существительное

consequence outcome product upshot sequel effect reaction repercussion ramification conclusion culmination


follow from ensue from develop from stem from spring from arise from derive from evolve from proceed from occur from happen from take place from come about from be caused by be brought about by be produced by originate in be consequent on

примеры использования

I start working through all the Google results for Petra Cross, methodically, while the serious news presenter returns and runs through the same lines about the rally all over again.

When Sam woke, he noticed that the analysis results from the device displaying his vitals read “enabled.

Deadman’s investigation, however, had yielded some results.

They were mutilated with giant wounds, like a huge battle axe had been taken to them—the results of Alsayer’s sonic lashes.

The final results are more effective than in countries where an average murder trial will cost around two hundred thousand dollars.

I want results.

Alas, in these competitive times, one tends to look at the results before examining the means.

Nor did Dobbs know whether Curtin had ever been in Georgia, because he had never said so and he had never mentioned that he had been out on a necking party with results not fully approved by the gal.

That should help us get a good look at the events of the past, and we’ll be able to dig up any buried research results.

Res Iapetus’ driving of the gods has had unforeseen results for the living and the dead.

By connecting the shelters, we should be able to restore our research results and any past data that has been lost.