“THEIR” на украинском языке


другие переводы

their them theirs
their theirs
your its their his her yours

примеры использования

She informed Lockne via their connection, and Heartman confirmed your location during his subsequent near-death experience.

The plan was to drop by their shelters and activate the Chiral Network for them.

Only when you’re in their arms will you see their true faces, and they aren’t fair at all.

When stars explode their fragments produce new ones.

Emerie and Gwyn picked up their earlier conversation and aimed for the water station.

They displayed their power, and the narjags trembled before it.

Anne doled out healing, taking their pain but not so much that she affected her own ability to travel.

Their wounds were grievous, and if their companions returned, they wouldn’t offer assistance.

The Investiture was the reason the nobles collected their pawns, the event they amassed their forces for.

The remains of black-powder cannon lay scattered about, their gold-glass workings fractured and broken, their metal tubes and gears mangled and twisted but not so broken as to hide their purpose and thus their failure.

Close to where their own settled on the earth two giant men of glass stood as still as statues.