“DOLLARS” на испанском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
dollar buck smacker plonk plunk
weight weighing peso burden load heaviness
dinero de dólar


имя существительное

dollar sign

примеры использования

Sometimes he would detail cars for hustlers but he didn’t have any real paper—not like he was used to—hell, before he’d gotten locked up he had thousands of dollars on him at all times.

One could hardly picture poorer hotel rooms than these, yet none could be had for less than twelve dollars for the night— without bath, of course.

Eight dollars was the pay for the working-day, and the length of the working-day was decided by Pat.

Eight dollars a day looked like a lot of money when Dobbs had nothing in his stomach, but he learned that eight dollars a day may be meager pay for certain jobs.

A certain tract of land worth two thousand dollars yesterday is worth today five hundred thousand dollars.

The final results are more effective than in countries where an average murder trial will cost around two hundred thousand dollars.

A bank in Arizona paid him for his load twenty—eight thousand dollars.

Unskilled labor was getting fifteen pesos a day, and Americans and Mexicans alike were spending five thousand dollars a night without giving a thought to where it went.

Most welcome were the newly arrived Hunks, Czechs, Poles, Germans, Italians, fellows who had heard back home the stories of men working in the Mexican oil-fields and earning from thirty to fifty dollars a day almost without bending a finger.

Many millions of dollars were carried across the river; not in coins or in notes, not even in checks.

These millions of dollars were carried often in short lines and figures scribbled in a notebook.