“GREAT” на казахском языке


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имя прилагательное


имя прилагательное

considerable substantial significant appreciable special serious exceptional extraordinary

примеры использования

The great traitor!

A great blaze flared to life in the hearth behind him.

There is a great deal for you to learn and it’s pushing three days to the Queverra.

“You witness a great event.

He has great burdens and carries them lightly and will sacrifice himself for them if he has to, of that I have no doubt.

The difficulty became so great that they lost all hope and were ready to give up the whole outfit, leave everything behind, and return to a civilized world, where there were no jobs, but also no such hardships to endure.

They changed course several times until Tsen saw the first of the two great rivers ahead, the Jokun.

She didn’t know exactly who would hang and who wouldn’t, only that a good few of their own deserved it a great deal and she’d cheer for every single one of them, even as she dangled from a gibbet of her own.

But eventually Crazy spun some ridiculous story about a great tunnel of white stone that ran off under the ground for ever, and how the painted men had found him staggering out of it without the first clue who he was.

The latter possibility disturbed him; if every one of these creatures were a warrior, the Hundred Kingdoms were in great danger.

He had gone through it merely to impress the Indians with his great wisdom, for he noted that the Indians were watching every move he made.