“LOUD” на казахском языке


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имя прилагательное
solid firm loud rigid tough stiff


имя прилагательное

vociferous clamorous insistent vehement emphatic urgent


aloud loudly

примеры использования

” He took another loud bite of his apple, and spoke through the pulp.

Liang let fly with both wands and the air rang with thunderbolts, echoes loud enough to rattle bones.

’ he says, as loud and angry as I’ve ever seen him, flipping the platter, sending the food flying: ham, oil, everything, all over the checked tablecloth.

A dozen heavily-built modalmen carried the Brass God in to shouting songs so loud Rel’s ears rang.

” she says, loud and firm, crossing her arms and wiping them to the side.

Belli had been loud about the dangers of mixing dragons with things that exploded but Tsen had brought them anyway.

A knock came at the door, very loud.

” asked Heffi, in pointedly loud Karsarin.

The doors opened, and the rumble of manufacture became very loud.

It was a funny enough look for him to think better of asking, but eventually his not asking was so loud that Crazy huffed and sighed and said that as far as the painted men were concerned, it meant that he’d walked out of Xibaiya, and apparently that made him special.

Out loud.