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From their perch, they could see the thin thread of road that cut along the outskirts of the barrowlands, hugging the mountain range as tightly as it could without traveling into the actual foothills.
They and the Dark Kind were traveling the exact same path, bound by the river on one side and the wilderness on the other.
Zaine had spent several weeks traveling with Baron Fedgley’s children.
They were traveling the same path as the narjags, and there were a lot of them.
Because that’s what Dylan felt was happening to him, traveling from one gig to the next, being forced to perform onstage and sing in front of people he didn’t know.
”“Narjags traveling in larger groups than usual, sure, I’ve seen that,” replied Tate, sitting back down at the table, his eyes still on the artifacts.
Raif, who had spent hours each day at arms practice, was finding that traveling in armor with a giant sword strapped to his back was an entirely different proposition.
”He rubbed his chin, feeling the neatly trimmed beard there, and answered, “The wild parts of the world can always be dangerous to those who are not experienced traveling through them.
He flashed out of there to the only place he could hide on a bus traveling at sixty-five miles per hour down a six-lane highway: the sleeping bunks.
But perhaps most important, this book was a companion during my own journey through the valleys and mountains of mental health, traveling alongside me as I faced all the jagged bits inside myself.
Right now we’ve been traveling only two days—that is, since we had our last resting-day, but we’ve been on the road for a few weeks.