“EXPLORE” на польском языке


другие переводы

examine investigate explore study test look into
examine explore study investigate inspect analyze
discover find uncover explore reveal detect
explore inquire sound draw out



investigate look into consider examine research survey scrutinize study review go over with a fine-tooth comb check out

примеры использования

Nevertheless, there was little she could do if Sam was unwilling to explore the possibility, other than continue to share her observations and hope that he eventually changed his mind.

Let her explore these new feelings for Dylan.

He had to go hunting to get a wild turkey or an antelope; or explore the surroundings to find better pastures for the burros; or go to the nearest Indian village down in the valley to buy eggs, lard, salt, corn, coffee, tobacco, brown sugar.

She has the enviable ability to explore big ideas in the most intimate of settings, and to create wholly original realities that leap instantly from the page.

What exactly, she couldn’t define and knew that she shouldn’t explore.

To any who want to explore the world of the dragons for its own sake, you can do so at the online gazetteer at www.

Another thing to explore.

They laugh and they sing, and their hands explore him.