“DOUBLED” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя прилагательное
doubled double duplicated twofold reduplicated duplicate
double twin doubled binary geminate reduplicated
dubbed doubled


имя прилагательное

double twofold two-fold


multiply by two increase twofold

примеры использования

’The madman spasmed and doubled over.

He doubled over and threw up, spattering the dragon’s scales and his own robes, and all the while he felt her head pressed against his own, her lips right up to his ear, close enough to brush his skin.

The stairs were slippery in the rain, doubled back awkwardly on themselves, and had no railing, all minor details of Mogawn’s formidable defensive architecture, but the captain had ridden his dracon to their summit nonetheless, and stood dismounted holding its bridle.

Terror gave way with the dawn to a more generalised sadness that doubled the effort of any task.

The unmounted modalmen doubled up with their friends, and they rode away.

Sam entered the room she had instructed him to come to, which also doubled as Lockne’s lab and private quarters.

‘Lady, forgive—’But Lin Feyn had doubled up with laughter.

Modalman anatomy was bizarre, the uppermost parts of a man’s torso doubled and stacked.

By the time he reached the surface, he was panting and gasping, almost doubled over, hobbling and cursing his knees.

His vision doubled.

As the slaver doubled over, Tuuran took his spear and pinned him with it into the dirt.