“URGE” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
motivation impulse prompting urge motive inducement
pulse momentum impulse impetus impact urge
push impetus impulse thrust kick urge
сильное желание
yearning desire urge aspiration hunger lech
urge assure convince persuade exhort argue
urge incite motivate induce impel prompt
настаивать на
urge stick out for
match urge hurry rush prod goad
urge hustle urge on press to
instigate incite encourage abet goad urge
настоятельно советовать
bother annoy nag bore pall urge
твердить одно и то же
harp on urge


имя существительное

desire wish need compulsion longing yearning hankering craving appetite hunger thirst fancy impulse impetus yen itch


encourage exhort enjoin press entreat implore call on appeal to beg plead with coax egg on prod prompt spur goad incite push pressure pressurize adjure beseech

примеры использования

He pushes the urge down.

” Self-loathing filled his face, and Nesta suppressed the urge to reach for his hand.

I know you’re feeling the pull, the urge to leave.

While he tried to quell his recurring urge to vomit, he stroked the pod.

” Dylan thrust open the door with the sudden urge for fresh air and to put some distance between them.

It says at the end of this chapter that if we’re doing this for the first time, we might grow sleepy—or even fall asleep during it—but learning to fight the urge to sleep is for further down the road.

Her urge to be there had vanished, and all that was left was shame that she had ever wanted to take part in the first place.

She had the sudden urge to scratch at them, to enlarge the holes and ram her hands into them, as if scrubbing them out would rid her of her deafness like it too were dirt.

They whispered in the corners of her thoughts, free and full of eager joy tinged with the ever-present rage and the urge to burn.

You were there far longer than I – didn’t you ever get the urge to jump?

He’d refused to think of what she’d done to him in the dining room while they’d been training, especially with Gwyn there, but seeing Nesta’s tentative smile as she’d shoved the tea and spices into a bag had him suppressing the urge to push her against the wall and kiss her.